scholarship hagler institute
graduate student fellowship
hagler institute for advanced study

Dean’s Excellence Fund

Departments and programs need discretionary excellence funds to support student, faculty and staff development opportunities, along with access to research data. The Dean’s Excellence Fund is also used to support student scholarship needs.

Student Scholarships

Many of our students rely on scholarships in order to make it feasible for them to get a college education at NMSU. Scholarships have a huge impact on student recipients lives and are always needed.

Global Student Experience - $2,500

Contributions toward the Global Student Experience for ACES help our students benefit from studying abroad, however they are unable to afford the cost of travel and lodging. The college is seeking an endowment and/or current use funding to help subsidize students who would like to study abroad.

Internship Experience - $2,500

Many students in the College of ACES would benefit from and be interested in doing internships outside of Las Cruces, however they are unable to afford the cost of travel and lodging while doing the internship (i.e., especially if it is unpaid). The college is seeking an endowment and/or current use funding to help subsidize students who would like to do an internship but do not have the financial resources to do so.

Funding for Student Organizations - $2,500

Student organizations do a great job of connecting students with each other and with the college. Unfortunately, the college is unable to fund students to go on out of town trips for competitions and conferences.

Enhancement of Teaching Program Resources - $2,500

The College of ACES is looking to invest in hiring a high-level specialist (adjunct) to support the growth of teaching through program resources.